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发布时间:2024-01-02来源: 作者:

魏嵬(Wei Wei 

联系方式:weiwei@xaut.edu.cn, 58513931@qq.com,

魏嵬,硕导,CCF高级会员,IEEE&ACM高级会员,陕西汉江学者,CCF物联网专委、网络数据专委等,H-index系数为65+google citations 14316+.

2011年获得西安交大计算机工学博士学位,2009年在美国UNL大学完成访学,2015年完成我校电气工程博士后;2017年于美国UTD大学访学并完成博士后研究。2022&2023年连续入选斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(终身影响力和年度影响力同时入选),入选爱斯唯尔2022&2023“中国高被引学者”。一直从事物联网及人工智能、大数据处理等相关方面研究,主持完成或在研两项国家重点研发项目课题和任务课题;完成3项省部级基金;作为骨干获得5项省市级科技进步奖,作为骨干参与完成国家基金项目6项。2019年、2021年度分别获得陕西高校科技进步2等奖、陕西省计算机学会自科科学2等奖、CCF计算机应用专委2等奖,第一作者发表SCI期刊收录的高水平论文超过20+篇,包括ESI高被引(持续高被引超过67个月+ESI-2019~2023年度高被引)热点文章共计20+ (全球排名前0.1%),学科领域排名前10%文章16+一作中科院Top-1区、CCF A/B/C类国际期刊论文9+;通讯作者发表中科院1区顶级期刊论文2+。单篇google最高引用超375+、单篇SCI他引超300+;累计google引用超过14316+,累计SCI他引超过9469+次。

曾担任多个高水平期刊的正式编委和审稿人,如: IEEE Trans. Services Comput.》、《IEEE Trans. on  Networking》、 Information Sciences》、《IEEE Trans. on  computers》、《IEEE TVT》、《IEEE TNNLS》、《IEEE ICDCS》、《Pattern Recognition》、《Computer Networks》、《Future Generation Computer Systems等和多个国际会议TPC Member及共同主席,如:Co-Chair  of  IEEE CCWMC2011 and IEEE ISBDAS2020共同主席TPC of IEEE Globecom 2014-2019, IEEE ICC2012~2019, IEEE ICDCS 2019IEEEWCNC 2018等。Keynote speaker of  IEEE ICIST 2019 and IEEE ISBDAS 2020同时曾担任多个国际知名SCI期刊Special issuesLeading editor如:ACM-TOSN, ACM-TOIT, IEEE ITS,  IEEE TII, IEEE Wireless communication magazine, IEEE Intelligent SystemsInformation sciences, DCN等。

英文介绍(English Version

Wei Wei (SM’17) received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2005 and 2011, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an. He was a Distinguished Professor of Shaanxi Hanjiang Scholars. In 2022&2023  Wei Wei was presented among "TOP 2% Scientists in the World" by Stanford University for his career achievements. In 2022&2023, Wei Wei was also Selected as a highly cited scholar in China by Elsevier.

He ran many funded research projects as principal investigator and technical members. His current research interests include the area of wireless networks, wireless sensor networks application, image processing, mobile computing, distributed computing, and pervasive computing, Internet of Things, and sensor data clouds. He has published around 400 research papers in international conferences and journals. Dr. Wei is a Senior Member of ACM and IEEE and the China Computer Federation. He is an Editorial Board Member of the Future Generation Computer System, the IEEE Access, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Sensor Network, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, and KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. Including top journals special issues, ACM ToSN&TOIT, IEEE Trans on ITS&TII&JBHI,etc. He is a TPC member of many conferences and a regular Reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, the Journal of Network and Computer Applications, and many other Elsevier journals.

